Hello everyone,
I've always had problem on how to say hello or writing it for the beginning of the sentences. It is a very majorly problem to me as it is to some of you. I have been 'MIA' (Missing In Action) for my blog and it's been quite a while for me to be typing the url on my web tab. I've missed you but you won't even missed me that is something I'm sure of because I'm a hundred percent sure that nobody would ever read nor visit my blog. Nobody except me. I sometimes come here and read what i have written and look at how depressed i am but there is certainly no depressed post since i private it so that people wouldn't know exactly how i felt. mostly i write for my dad of how i've missed him and how i've been wondering how he's doing and what his home look like up there. Is he fine? Does he need more prayer? or Is my prayer enough to keep him from those fire up there. People told me that his children's prayer are like the key for him to enter heaven and i believe that it is. I also believe that by me covering my aurah will also help him up there. Everybody would think that i have already stopped thinking about him but i didn't i mean how could i? he's my father and i've grew up with him and he raised me from i was a baby and he's very patience with me and i thought he would never died but he did. None of my friends seems to understands me after her died. it feels like your key to happiness is gone and whenever you see someone else's you feel jealous and you know you would never gonna hold him again. I swear wherever i go nobody would understand me.