Angry Justin Bieber

Hey guys,
I got a story about Justin bieber. Here it goes Justin and Sel came out of a store and were going to their car to drive away, when a couple of paparazzi guys stood infront of their car and were taking pics of them. Justin was clearly telling them to please move over because they had to leave, but the paparazzi guys acted like they didn't even here them. Justin than ran around the car (that's why his hat fell off and his shoes were loose). Sel was talking to the lady, defending justin. Sel picked up justin's hat and was trying to calm him down but justin still wants to tell the pap how rude he being. Sel then came over and stood next to the paparazzi and apologize to all of the fans.
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Glitter nail polish <3

Hey everyone,
I did this yesterday alone in my bed room and it totally worked! So i've been using this lately and i am in love with it. ust so you know i removed it every time i wear this because i'ts not weekdays we cannot wear nail polish at school. If you do you will be scolded or accepting a compliment with your friends. So do wear it and goodbye!
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Hey everyone,
Look i've just updated my blogger just as i promise. Well it was a long time ago i didn't write a post on my blog. I didn't have any story to tell actually but now i do and it was a lot. So, i'm not gonna write about it today because i am so tired and already sleepy at 9 o'clock so goodnight and goodbye! :)
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Favourite song of May!

Hey everyone,

Okay firstly im in love with this song. I don't know why i'm into country right now, but yeah i did so :) Anyway, i just got home from Bangi and i picked up picky at clinic that i've sent her for boarding. Want know something? Picky change a lot and i mean a lot. She getting so quiet and doesn't wanna play with her toy anymore. I was thinking maybe those peeps hit her cause she's so naughty like that. I miss my old picky. So yeah that's the story now shoo-shoo :)

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