Desperate Desire

There in this world called desperate desire. Which I know It does truly exist, each and everyone must have one desperate desire even if they don’t realize it. Just to know how, when and where it appears in your life. It shows when you realize something that you’ve lost and you want it back desperately. I wrote this because I just realize it and I just know what it was. My desperate desire is simple. If I got a mirror like one of those in harry potter movies I’m pretty sure what it will show me.

It would have my dad standing right beside me, holding me, proud of me and I can totally see his face smiling from ear to ear just because of me. Firstly, my dad would show up in that mirror because I desperately want him to be alive. Secondly, he is holding me because he love me. Thirdly, he is proud of me because I got the best result and I am an accountant at his company. Lastly, he is smiling from ear to ear because I bring his company with full of success where everybody fear of. Now that is my desperate desire and I don’t know when and how can I ever get that or I don’t think I’d ever get that desperate desire. Truly that my dad won’t be alive but I can achieve others and all I need is to work hard with family and friends to support me from my back.

p.s. : I actually wrote this right after what Dumbledore said to harry in the first movie.
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